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Hyaluronic Acid for Oral Surgical Use.

The Original.

Gel membrane and wound healing liquid.

Hyaluronic acid specially developed for intraoral use

Medical Instinct® introduces Tissue Support and Flex Barrier, two products specially developed for intraoral use in speeding up soft and hard tissue regeneration. Hyaluronic acid activates inhibitors, which helps stop tissue degradation. It also inhibit proinflammatory cytokines such as TNF α with a similar effect.

Flex Barrier

Crosslinked hyaluronic acid-based gel membrane.

Flex Barrier is a safe, synthetic and user-friendly alternative to conventional resorbable membranes. It is easy to handle and, due to the positive properties of hyaluronic acid (bacteriostatic, antiseptic, promotes wound healing), achieves optimal treatment outcomes.

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Tissue Support

Significant added value in dental tissue regeneration.

Tissue Support was specially designed to treat soft tissue inflammation and improve wound healing following surgery (GTR) whilst at the same time reducing scarring.

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